What is rock music and what is its main feature

You will learn what rock music is and what its special features are. We will also touch on the style, image, culture, and history of this musical genre.

Rock music is performed by a rock band. The main instruments are electric guitar, bass guitar, drums and vocalist. The key instrument is the electric guitar, as it creates a great drive in the music. It has a beautiful and melodic guitar solo that is highly valued.

Now there has been an evolution in rock music. The band can now include instruments such as rhythm and solo electric guitars. As well as a bass guitar, several percussion instruments, keyboards, violins and so on.

In some cases, rock is performed with a symphony orchestra. Such concerts are very popular and attract a huge number of people.

In a band, two vocalists may be observed performing. One may perform with a heavy voice and the other with a lighter voice.

Types of rock

Types of rock are quite diverse. Starting with lighter genres (alternative rock, pop-rock and so on) and ending with heavier genres (death metal, black metal).

Such direction more than a hundred. So everyone can find something of their own here.

History of Rock Music

Now let’s talk about the history of rock music. It has existed since the mid-1950s. Its origin is the blues, from which the first rock genres (rock and roll and rockabilly) emerged.

History of rock music around the world

The first sub-genres emerged in close connection with folk and pop music (country, folk, skiffle, music-hall) of the time.

There were attempts to combine rock with almost all kinds of music. For example, with Latin music, jazz, academic and Indian music.

In the 60’s and 70’s almost all major subgenres of rock music (punk rock, hard rock) appeared. Already in the late 70’s/early 80’s such genres as post-punk, new wave, alternative rock, hardcore, death metal and black metal appeared.

In the 90s grunge, Brit-pop, and alternative metal were widely developed.

The main centers of rock music development are in the United States and Britain.

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